"Florence is not just a REALTOR. She is trustworthy friend who gets the job done. We were going through tough time on the personal front through the buying process and Florence took all the buying stress away by understanding what we were looking for and helping us get the perfect home. She video taped open homes and shared it with us so we could..."
"Florence is not just a REALTOR. She is trustworthy friend who gets the job done. We were going through tough time on the personal front through the buying process and Florence took all the buying stress away by understanding what we were looking for and helping us get the perfect home. She video taped open homes and shared it with us so we could continue shopping while not in the country. She valued our time, kept us on schedule, gave us the right amount of feedback on bid/no-bid, worked to our schedule and did it all with a smile (and laughed at all my crummy jokes). She did her job so well that we may never get the chance to work with her again. Thanks Florence and Bhavna."
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— Sanjay R